Thursday, February 19, 2015

This Old House of Mine

          The house we live in was built in 1921, 13 years before electricity here and even longer before indoor plumbing. Today is a miserable day of icy cold and snow on the ground. I wonder how those folks got by in the winter. They had only wood stoves, so they were out several times a day, getting more wood or emptying ashes. The outhouse was roughly 100 feet west of the house and I think you can imagine how that was to use in an icy, windy day. The people who built the house had a shallow well that they dipped water from all year round. That could not have been fun to be out in the cold several times a day to draw water. 
          We had a neighbor in Camdenton who had no indoor plumbing until 1976. I don’t know how they tolerated that. Despite all the woes of our current world, we are still so much better off than our predecessors. I am so happy for a forced air furnace on days like this, and the indoor plumbing is quite nice as well.
          This is ice hanging off the barn roof this afternoon.
          While I was out taking the picture of the ice, the wind kicked up and made the leaves on this oak tree rattle like death's calling.

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