Tuesday, February 17, 2015


          Tuesday February 17, 2015 my neighbors are all farmers, or to be more correct cattlemen. They have large acreages and are their own bosses and that is admirable, most of the time, mainly summer. However in winter time the situation is entirely different. Most of them have acreages that they have acquired over time, but those acerages are separated by miles, so in this bad weather they are having to travel over icy roads hauling huge rolls of hay weighing 1000 to 2000 pounds. I see them going one way while others are going the opposite direction. One cattleman’s cows and pastures are next door to the others and they are constantly crossing each other’s path along the farm roads here. They are out in the cold hauling hay and they always have to break the ice on ponds so the cattle can drink. Cattle need to drink many gallons of water every day to survive. These days I look out the window and just think I am so lucky that I have no reason to be out on the road hauling hay and breaking ice on a pond.

On another note, as I was outside shoveling the driveway today Joyce was busy dusting around the house. She mentioned the dust had built up on the TV and the DVD player I have in the bedroom. That made me think, why so much dust on them? Electronic components always radiate heat and I would think that radiation should push dust in the air away from the components, but the opposite seems to be true. I do not understand why that is.

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