Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Things I Wonder About

         I was watching Charlie Rose the other night when he had a Hispanic gentleman he interviewed. He is the CEO of Renault and Nissan. He speaks French, Spanish and English extremely well and is learning Japanese. How does this happen? How did he become the man he is? Where is the training for this? Where did this inclination come from?
         Sam Walton, where did a simple man from northern Arkansas get the knowledge to become the world’s largest retailer? I know he is gone now, but his legend lives on through the family. But where did this come from?
         Joyce and I were raised in families that thought of nothing more than family, job and home. We never dreamed of starting a giant corporation and wouldn’t even have a hint of what to do to create such a thing.
         Look at Lowe's or Home Depot or Target, where did the ideas come from?
         I am amazed at musicians who can play so many tunes just from memory or even learn to play just by picking up an instrument. Where did this come from?
         I see authors interviewed and they can remember any passage from books they have written. I have written hundreds of poems and several books and yet I can’t remember what I have written.  Sometimes I will read something I have written 10 years ago and I think it was good, but I don’t remember doing it. How does this happen? I can understand not remembering something I read written by someone else, but not remembering what I wrote myself, I can only wonder about.

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