Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Unpleasant TV Commercials

          Since the new digital channels have come on line we get three new channels to watch. They all have very old shows or campy locally produced shows that are frankly pretty sad. There are a scant few old shows I do watch, MASH being one of them. One thing that distresses me about all three channels is the commercials they show.
          Typically commercials are geared to what the sponsors feel is their target audience. That makes sense to me. My problem is the commercials on the new channels are either geared at student loan non-payers or people who use payday loan companies or people who do not pay the taxes they owe or for lawyers who attract people to sue insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies. It makes me wonder who they think I am. I get the feeling the sponsors think their audiences are all near-do-wells.

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