Saturday, November 29, 2014


I was browsing a magazine a few days ago and saw an article on collecting, so I of course read it. It dawned on me that we are all collectors, even if we don’t realize it. Whether our collections are mementoes passed down from those family members who have gone before us or our collections are all from garage sales, thrift stores or flea markets doesn’t matter; the fact is we are collectors. We have more tools than we can use; we have glassware we decorate with; we have more silver-plated flatware than we can use; we have jewelry we don’t often wear; we have closets full of clothes we rarely wear; we have pictures covering our walls; we are collectors. Collections are symbols of our lives. Collections say a lot about who we are. They show what we like. They speak about our personality. They are not about our needs, but rather, what we like. Need has nothing to do with a collection. Collections are things that give us pleasure. Our daughter is now 47 years-old, but she still collects toys. She doesn’t need to do that; she obviously does not play with them, but they give her great joy just to collect and have them. We know of three women who collect Elvis memorabilia and have rooms devoted to his memory.
Speaking of memories, many collections bring back fine memories every time we look at them. I have a little log cabin my mother made when she volunteered at a children’s after school program. Every time I look at it, I remember mom. My father bought tools he had no use for whatsoever. One such example was a set of huge over-sized wrenches. He gave them to me before he passed on. Every time I pulled out a wrench to work on the old tractor, I thought of him. I don’t have the tractor anymore, but I still have the tools and I still think of him when I open the tool box.
When I add to my collection with something I admire, I think and wonder about who owned this thing before me and why he/she decided to part with it. Since most of my collecting comes from Ash Tree Antiques and flea market I know where I got it and I remember the experience of finding, selecting and purchasing the item. As I write this I am looking around the house and realizing just how much I have acquired from Ash Tree. I have a vintage chest of drawers, a vintage credenza, a vintage china cabinet, my computer desk, a set of oak folding tables, two pairs of dining room chairs, more Christmas decorations than I can mention, several lamps, the draperies on our windows. This doesn’t count all the glassware and vases that are from Ash Tree. I know there are more things from Ash Tree, but I would have to get up from my chair and walk around to see them. I think my point has been made.
After writing this, I think I am a pretty good customer at Ash Tree, but that is easy to be; George and Kathy are good people and the things I have bought are still in use. Ash Tree Antiques and flea market where I shop for everything


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