Saturday, November 22, 2014

Notes From All Over

Is it just me or are things out of whack?
The old Savings and loans made good money following the old 345 procedure.
You pay 3% on savings.
You loan at 4%.
You are out on the golf course by 5.
Now banks are paying at .2% on savings and charging 22% on credit cards.
I think that is somewhere around a 110% profit.

The other night I was watching a movie on DVD when I missed a line. I went to rewind, but evidentially hit two buttons at once and ended up with a French language on the player. I can say that this is not the first time on a DVD player or on a computer that hitting two buttons or keys at once caused a very strange result. That is always something to consider when things suddenly go wrong in the middle of hitting two keys at the same time and you don’t even know what you did. I ended up going back to the start of the movie and selecting English for the language to fix the problem.
Whenever things go wrong, backtrack. Many times I have updated my computer and had to revert to an earlier restore setting. Eventually the updaters figure out they did something wrong and fix the problem, but that doesn’t help the innocent owner until much later. Just know that every time you update a Windows computer that the update automatically sets a new restore point so you can go back to what worked before until they finally fix things.

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