Monday, November 24, 2014

Two Things That Astound Me

          Okay, I have done a little laundry in my days. Today I did three loads because Joyce was busy prepping for Thanksgiving. Something that has always amazed me is how much lint comes out of the dryer. I am more apt to be helping with drying clothes than washing them so I do have some history with that. I cannot imagine how there is anything left to clothes after being dried a dozen or so times. The dryer lint trap is always so loaded, more than me at the casino/hotel. Some of my older t-shirts and underwear are thin enough to almost see through (now there's a picture you don't want in your head) and yet they are still serviceable, well for the most part anyway. My life seems to be filled with things I do not understand, more so as I age.
          All this reminds me of a story. My father and mother bought a trailer with a nice addition built onto the side about 40 years ago. The addition had a nice sink and cabinets in it. Mom wanted to use it as a big family room which would have been really nice, but dad had it in his head it should be a bedroom for the two of them. They still had four kids living with them at that time so they needed a washer and dryer. Dad had another idea on that. He decided to put a concrete pad outside the addition for the washer and dryer and cover it with an un-insulated metal shed and cut a door from their bedroom into the shed for mom to go in and out. As you can imagine that did not work at all in the freezing cold of winter.
          I suppose we all do many things that are mistakes in our lifetimes. Some are really unbelievable like the one above, while many of mine were just a bit off plum, wink, wink.

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