Friday, February 21, 2014

RF Radiation

A good friend emailed me last night about a situation in Poway California. It seems that the city council there has had an ordinance that limits ham radio operator’s antennas to a height of 35 feet. The operators say they need 65 foot antennas to have reliable communication during emergencies, when their free services are needed to assist fire, police and national guardsmen in helping the local citizenry. My friend made note of the fact that raising the antenna height would also decrease the RF (radio frequency) radiation into their neighbor’s bedrooms.
               I have given this some serious consideration and come to this conclusion. Just 100 years ago, there was no radio, no TV, no cell phones, no casino video slot machines, no electric in most of the U.S. In those days, people lived their lives and most died in their forties or fifties. With the advent of radio and then TV and rural electrification, RF radiation swept the country in low levels of course and people began to live longer. Next there was the non-stop high level radiation of cellular phones and the popularity of video slot machines. Now at the shopping malls, or the grocery stores everyone has a cell phone stuck right up to their heads and at the casinos everyone is subjected to concentrated radiation from phones and video games and guess what? They’re all old people, many nearly twice as old as people lived just a hundred years ago.
It is purely logical to me that people want to live longer. We now have concrete proof that RF radiation lengthens one’s lifespan. All those elderly walking the malls, the grocery stores and the casinos testify to that on a daily basis.
             Those neighbors in Poway don’t want those antennas raised because that will decrease their lifespan. Without all that RF radiation, their sex life will diminish and they won’t be able to make as many trips to the local casinos.

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