Thursday, February 20, 2014

February Weather

 I got up this morning at eight, the temperature was 70 degrees and there was a gusty wind blowing, about 30mph. Within the hour, the winds had jumped to 62mph and the temp had dropped 20 degrees. By tonight the temp is predicted to drop near 45 degrees from our morning high. The early news at 4:00 was filled with pictures of downed trees all over our area, many landing on houses. I was outside around 1:30 and at that time I had not seen any real damage. The wind was blowing so hard I had difficulty walking. This below was written at the height of the storm.

 Winds whipping through trees
Clouds racing across the sky
Dried leaves skittering by

Sunlight waxing and waning
Birds all hunkered down
Not a one flitting around

Wind whistling through old window frames
Trash cans tumble down the street
I wonder what fate they’ll meet

Branches falling all around
Creating just a horrible sound
It’s dangerous just walking around

Storm glass predicting a thunderstorm
Temperature falling, hard to keep warm
Hoping our home will come to no harm

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