Friday, February 28, 2014

Late February Nightmare 2014

I had this dream a few nights ago. I was driving an old car that I used to have in the nineties. The car broke down by a hospital. I left Joyce with the old car and went to a nearby car lot and bought a new one. I drove back to where the old car was and it started up, so I left Joyce at the hospital with the new car while I drove the old one up a hill to a gas station. The station had a slanted driveway, so much so that as I tried to put gas into the car, it kept sloshing out of the tank. I finally managed to pump $21.09 worth of gas into the car. I went in to pay for my gas with a $20 bill and a $10 bill. No one there could make change, so I had to wait for someone to get more change from the back of the building. It took forever and when I walked out of there, the old car was gone. I walked back down the hill to get Joyce and the new car, but she had left the area. I started back up the hill to see if she had gone there by another route. Half way up the hill I could see she was not there. I turned around and there were 5 hillbilly rapists, 3 men and 2 women. One grabbed my arm and asked if I wanted to play. I broke free and ran back down the hill to the hospital to see if Joyce had returned. She had not, so I ran into the hospital. There I was, in a panic, no Joyce, no way to get home and 5 hillbilly rapists chasing me. Lucky for me I woke up from the dream before I was caught.

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