Friday, February 14, 2014

Cold Meds

I was suffering from writer’s block earlier this week, until I came down with a massive head cold and started downing massive amounts of cold medicine. Suddenly I began spewing words all over the virtual pages of my Microsoft Word program, writing story after story. I’ll have to wait until my cold has passed before I try to publish any of what I have written.
Cold meds can make the brain have very weird thoughts. Today I feel very woozy and can’t help but wonder how my writing would make any sense to anyone who wasn’t in my state of mind. I know I am in the state of Missouri, but have no idea what state my mind is in.
The cold led to a runny nose. That led to the cold meds. The salts in the cold meds led to drinking massive amounts of water and soft drinks. That led to saturation of my innards. That led to huge numbers of bathroom trips. That led to light-headedness and where I am at the moment. If none of this makes sense, “hold on, I’m coming” (song lyric I think.)
I had all the water and soft drinks I could consume and I’m not sure I should have mixed beer with all the cold meds after that. If this doesn’t make sense, I’ll sort it out later, after the buzz wears off and I am over the cold.

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