Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Garbage Dispose all Blues

Song tempo like “Reenlistment Blues” in the movie “From Here to Eternity”
Listen to the song on UTUBE and then come back for the song. It will sound better and make more sense to you.
I know the grammar and words are not correct, but this is a blues song.
If my west coast bureau chief would get busy with the guitar, I think we have a hit here.

I got the garbage dispose all blues
Got stinkin garbage all over ma shoes
They just ain’t no easy way
Ta pull that dispose all away
A’ll be on ma back, neath the sink
Tryin not ta catch, a bad nasty drink
Wondrin what’ll, be taken place
If’n that dispose all, hits me in ma face
Am purty sure a’ll end up in bed
With blood runnin out a ma head
An what if the new one don’t fit
A’ll be mad enough ta just spit
Beer won’t be able ta take that nasty taste away
If’n ah get a mouthful, a that moldy water spray
If ah don’t get er done, there’ll be hell ta pay
If’n ah do, it’ll still kinda ruin ma day
Wonderin what a man oughta do
Whil’st ah pop a top on a nother brew

It’s ma garbage dispose all blues
Got garbage all over ma shoes

Don’t know what’ll happen today
But sounds more like work than play
If’n ah sit here a thinkin
A’ll probly do more drinkin
A’ll wake up tamara, with a heavy head
An still have that nasty joba’ll have ta dread

It’s ma garbage dispose all blues
Got garbage all over ma shoes

Got the garbage dispose all in
Weren’t as bad as it coulda bin
No more garbage dispose all blues
No garbage all over ma shoes

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