Monday, December 30, 2013

Just when I thought it was over

This year of 2013 has been awful with things breaking down and just when I thought the breakdowns were about to end, the garbage disposal quit on the 29th. I had to crawl under the sink today and replace it. I bought the same brand and model I had for the last 20 years, thinking that it would make for an easier replacement, but not so. The discharge tube was changed so I had to cut the length of the tube and because the manufacturer changed the distance the tube comes out before pointing down, I had to cut out some of the sink drain also. That said, I started and completed the project and the trip to the hardware store in about 2.5 hours, including the re-wiring of the appliance. Tearing the sink drain out is so disgusting, there is foul, smelly gunk buildup there that no one should have to view or smell. After finishing the job I had to wash my hands a half-dozen times. I am relatively sure once was enough to remove dirt and germs, but five more times made me feel a lot better. come on 2014!

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