Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas Eve Frozen Farm Pictures

I hope by now you aren't tired of pictures of frozen things on the farm. I was out yesterday several times gathering these. Today, Christmas day, the temperature is a whopping 34 degrees and everything is finally melting after a week of deep freezing. This first picture is of frozen Nandina berries on the bush outside our kitchen window. These little berries will last well into spring without harm. It is our best all weather shrub.

There are crab apples frozen on the tree i the orchard. The birds peck at them when there is nothing else to eat.

I have tried to get the right lighting for this picture of a frozen, icy elm tree for days, but the sun had to be at just the right angle and the sky had to be clear blue, something which we have not had for a week now. I finally got the shot on Christmas Eve just slightly past sundown.

I thought this was interesting. The power lines have been frozen with icicles for nearly a week, but yesterday when I was out, the icicles were not pointed down as they had been, They are actually pointed up. I do not understand the phenomenon, but I have rarely seen it before.

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

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