Sunday, November 24, 2013

Frost Flowers

"The Incredible Frost Flower"

It is as beautiful as it is rare. A frost flower is created
On autumn or early winter mornings when ice
In extremely thin layers is pushed out from the stems
Of plants or occasionally wood.
This extrusion creates wonderful patterns which curl
And fold into gorgeous frozen petioles giving
This phenomenon both its name and its appearance.

Conditions have to be just so ... For frost flowers to form.
Early winter are the optimum time to come across them
... As although the weather conditions
Must be freezing it is vital that the ground is not,
So water can be sucked up in the stem.

I had never seen them before, until this morning. I ran to the house to get my camera and took these pictures:

Picture 1

Picture 2

Picture 3

Picture 4

Picture 5

Picture 6



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