Thursday, November 21, 2013

Random Thoughts Today

I think I have passed into old age lately. I keep forgetting to jip my zipper. Next it will be Alzheimer's when I forget to unjip.

I saw on TV that grabbing a hand full of nuts every day will increase ones lifespan. Now I am afraid I might live forever.

When I was a child I looked at trees and they always seemed the same, year after year. Now after 25 years here I can see how the same trees have grown from saplings to mature trees. I never had the chance to be somewhere so long and remember what trees were in relation to what they are now.


Last night on PBS there was a program on asteroids. It turns out there are thousands of them in earth's orbit. Any one of them could crash into earth with the power of up to  a 100 thousand ton nuclear bomb. Any city in the US could be destroyed, flattened with 100% loss of life. NASA has been able to track just 34 of the thousands of asteroids. Just last February a small one hit in Siberia at a 20 degree trajectory and lost most of its energy due to the near flat angle of contact but it still blew out every window and door in a town miles away and injured 1000 people. In 1910 one dropped in a remote, unpopulated area of Russia and flattened 100 square miles of forest. So any day may be your or my last day on earth. NASA is working on a hydrogen gun that can fire a metal pellet at 32,000 miles per second to blast away asteroids heading to earth (Just like the movie "Space Cowboys").  Sleep well tonight!

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