Sunday, December 1, 2013

Christmas 2013

The aroma of wood smoke fills the night air
Daytime the buzzing of chainsaws is everywhere
Christmas time will soon be here
Bringing families together in good cheer
The winter season is setting in
Holiday time will soon begin
Old Santa will soon begin his worldwide flight
Bringing joy to all on Christmas Eve night
Children all across this great nation
Will be filled with great expectation
Grandma and grandpa with memories of old
Their many family stories will surely be told
2013, though long, will soon be at end
Hopefully many old grudges will mend
Christmas is a season of joy and love
Be it for man, woman or the lord above
When generous helpings of good food fills a plate
It’s difficult for hearts to be filled with hate
My hope is that someday peace will prevail
Bringing an ending to war, strife and travail

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