Thursday, August 8, 2013

Blessed with just a few more fricken inches of rain

Thursday August 8, 2013 southern Missouri is suffering from widespread flooding. It looks like we are going to be blessed with (cursed with) (a little/a lot more rain) over at least 5 more days. The Branson airport had 8 inches of rain in just 6 hours yesterday. The Rubidoux creek looks like the mighty Mississippi; the roaring river campground (I would think this might have been a clue) was swamped with enough roaring currents last night that it lifted cars, trucks and campers and flushed them down river. I unloaded 2.5 inches of rain out of a little rain gauge this morning and the forecast calls for at least 3 more inches in the next 2 days. Hollister Mo was flash flooded over night and the town was evacuated. We are just a quarter mile or less from the Sac River, but we are on high ground. There are people living just 20 yards from there, but I have not tried to see how they are doing. I suspect they have evacuated. Northern Arkansas with their hills and mountains are flooding in the lower parts. Critters are searching for dry places to be. 

Four turkey hens came out of the woods with their new broods this afternoon, but my camera was low on battery power so I only caught 1 picture.

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