Monday, June 10, 2013

Spraying poison ivy

Monday June 10, 2003 I was out back spraying poison ivy today. I checked the wind and as soon as I shifted accordingly, the wind changed with me, always pushing the Agent Orange mist into my face. I had a huge 3 gallon mixture to cover a large area of ivy. I saw 3 places where the ivy had gone into tree or vine form and climbed 10 feet or more up some oak trees. I will be heading out there again in 2 weeks to cut the vines with a lopper and spray down any remaining ivy. I jumped on the riding mower after the sprayer emptied out and chased some rabbits around the trails I have cut around the farm. On a trip down the hill, I jumped a 6 foot-long black snake and he was moving out in a big hurry! I did not know they could move so fast. Tomorrow is chainsaw day, assuming either the new one or the old one will start and actually run. I hate 2 cycle engines, they are so finicky! At least the 4-cycle mowers are repairable. If I had a temper at all, I would douse those chain saws in gasoline and watch them fire up without a spark plug.

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