Thursday, January 2, 2025

250102 Life can change

Life can change in an instant and it has for me.

Not long ago I wrote about how well I had my daily routine set up and everything was working like a well oiled machine. That well oiled machine crashed and became completely unglued!

All of a sudden my life became chaotic. Where I had a sleep schedule that worked, that has fallen by the wayside. Sleeping by 9pm is a thing of the past. Now it’s midnight or later. I sleep for an hour or two at most. I get up and cook or clean in the middle of the night. Sometimes I move furniture in the wee hours of the morning, as I did the night before this post. I lay down and sleep several times in a 24 hour period. I have no meal schedule anymore. If I’m hungry I eat, if not I may go half a day without food. I drink a lot more coffee these days. I know coffee keeps some folks awake, but for some strange reason, coffee makes me sleep. It was that way with my parents. They would have a whole pot of coffee before going to bed. If I’m tired but not sleepy, I turn on a movie I don’t like and fall asleep within a few minutes.

As I said, life can change and mine has flipped 180 degrees from what it was a month ago.



  1. Well hell that sucks. I usually go to bed around 12 am or 1:00. Get up at 6:45 for coffee maybe nap around 9 or 9:30 for 30 or 60 mins a couple times a day. Gotta love it.

    1. I'm getting used to it although I'd prefer the way things were. We humans are adaptable and in a short while I get used to the new routine and accept it as my new normal.
      Thanks for your wonderful comment.
