Sunday, June 30, 2024

240630 A Walk in the Woods

The Woods

Here in this town expansion is everywhere. Our town has quadrupled in 7 years. Houses and apartments are spread all over the town.Building houses and apartments means trees and shrubs are cut down and removed.

As far as I know there is only one stand of trees left in all of the town. That stand is across the street from where I live. It is beautiful. I know if I were a boy I would spend my days there. I’d likely build a fortress somewhere in there. I walk past there every day and I have never seen any boys over there.

When I was a boy there was a place called north woods two blocks away from my home. I would spend my entire day roaming inside there.

Mom and dad used to take mom’s aunt Kate down to her 180 acre farm and we would spend a week there in the summer. The grownups fished in Kate’s enormous pond, while I had those 180 acres of woods to roam through. I loved that place!

Kate’s farm was the reason why I bought our farm here in Missouri. There were trees everywhere on the farm. I cut paths through the trees so I could walk through those woods. I went out into the woods every day in all seasons. I would see a lot of deer in my woods and that made my outings even better.

I still miss walking in the woods. We have lived in this town for 7 years and I miss being in the woods every time I walk by that last remaining stand of trees. I could go over and walk through there but I’m concerned I might trip and fall and break something. One never knows; I may do so on any given day. If so, I could find a shortcut to my grocery store.

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