Friday, March 29, 2024

249329 Wonderful

We live in a wonderful world.

This world is so good that we tend to take it and everything in it for granted. The first thing and the most important of all is oxygen. We need oxygen for breathing. Breathing is important, if we stop we die. We go to sleep every night and let our subconscious take over. The main thing it does all night long is keep us breathing.

Grocery stores are another thing we take for granted. They are always there and always stocked, but what if they suddenly weren’t there, or the shelves were nearly empty? Would we be struggling with someone for the last can of tuna? Remember the pandemic, when toilet tissue took on a whole new value, because there was none to be had?

Fossil Fuels are something we take for granted and yet they are vital to our survival. With our suburban lifestyle, we need gas to get us to work, to the doctor, to the grocery and the hardware store. Fossil fuels that we take for granted supply our gasoline, our electric service, our cooking fuel and our jobs.

This list goes on with so many essentials that we rarely think about. The essentials could all be taken away in any number of ways. War is the first thing that comes to mind. Missiles and bombs can ruin a person’s day. We in the USA don’t think about that happening. There is another way that does not require bombs. It’s called a cyber attack. Our adversaries have been working on ways to shut down our power grid. No power, nothing works, we can't pump gas without power. We can’t buy anything without electrical power. The scanners in stores won’t work, the registers won’t work. You can’t use a credit card or use cash money because the register won't work to take the money.

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