Friday, January 12, 2024

240112 FOOD

I’ve been studying food for the past 2 1/2 days.

These doctors and scientists have studied this subject for years. I find the studies, results and opinions are interesting and confusing at the same time. That fact drives me nuts. I’m not sure what to believe.

They all believe that the typical American diet is the cause of cancer, diabetes, heart disease and obesity. They all believe that a plant based diet will not only reduce body weight, but will reverse and heal the cancer, diabetes, heart disease and obesity and for men eliminate erectile dysfunction.

What they disagree on is some of the plans to follow to get to the desired goal of reversing those diseases mentioned above. One interesting study took 10 pairs of identical twins and one twin ate a diet of meats and vegetables while the other ate strictly vegetarian, After weeks of the study and taking blood and stool samples and measuring fat around the gut areas, they found that vegans, vegetarians and meat eaters all had close to the same fatty tissue around the internal organs. Vegans used a lot of olive oils and corn oils, which produce fat in the gut, as did vegetarians and meat eaters. The trick in this is to reduce fatty tissues around the gut areas, so oils are out for everyone! I don’t know how to eat a salad without dressing, so that perplexes me. I can understand not eating fried foods in oil (American over all favorites:) So oils are out no matter what.

They all agree that milk, meat, eggs, sweets, dairy foods all cause cancer. So what is good?

Whole grains (not bread), beans, legumes, potatoes, sweet potatoes, leafy greens, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, (yuck), red or yellow or green vegetables, Quinoa, peas, chickpeas (garbanzo beans) and fruits are good. Tomatoes are bad.
Bad things are fried animal products, French fries (my favorite thing to eat) meat, dairy, chips, cookies, candy, oils, sodas and artificial plant processed food made to taste like meat. My grand nephew was a big soda drinker, but when he quit drinking sodas, he lost a huge amount of weight without making any other diet change.

I looked up plant based diets and there were disagreements on the plant based diets. Some folks believe some meat, chicken, fish and dairy are acceptable as long as 75% of the meal is vegetables. Others say no meat at all. Some doctors and scientists say coffee, or tea up to 4 or 5 cups a day are acceptable. Unfortunately beer is out of bounds.

Here I sit, unsure what to believe. Having a little meat or fish with plant based foods is pretty much what I do eat. Now do I drop meat altogether? I’m wondering? No salad dressing? If not, what else can I put on my salads? I need to figure out what to do. Help!


  1. Oh no, for the last 80 years I have been eating all wrong, now I'm going to die. Oh no, Oh no.

    1. Chuck, I'm 78 and have been eating a balanced diet including a lot of meat products myself. I don't feel like I'm about to die. I do want to include more veggies in my diet and I'm confused about whether to include meat and milk in my diet. I suppose the moral of the story is even doctors and scientists can't agree on what is best for people and not all people are the same, so the same diet for all is perhaps a silly notion. I'll likely decide on eating the way I always have and die eventually of something. I would prefer to die in the arms of a beautiful woman after having sex, but that is not likely to happen.

  2. Here is what I believe...

    1. I like everything he had to say. It made more sense to me than anything I've heard in my studies. The benefit is all he mentioned is readily available. Thank you for your enlightening comment!
