Wednesday, September 27, 2023

230927 Jinxed?

I sometimes wonder if I could be a jinx?

Here is why I wonder if I could be unlucky for things in my lifetime. The house I was born in and lived in for 18 years was gone 2 years after the family moved away. There is nothing but a vacant lot there.

The grade school I went to is now gone, closed forever. The church I was raised in is also closed. The highschool I went to is also closed and gone.

During my navy years, The school I went to for basic aviation electronics was closed and moved from Tennessee to Florida. I was in an aircrew for more than a year. The planes we flew in are all in an airplane graveyard. The home base we operated from is also closed. I spent 2 cruises on the USS Kitty Hawk and now it has been scrapped. I did 1 cruise on the USS Enterprise and it is also being scrapped.

Lastly, I worked at the Litton circuit board factory for 19.5 years and it has also closed. Does this mean I am a Jinx? I could be, or perhaps I somehow arrive at places that are nearing the end of their usable lifetime. The same may go for the planes and ships I was aboard.

It’s fitting that I am nearing the end of my lifetime as well. Hopefully I have a few good years left to enjoy. There’s a lot of good food and cold beer that needs my attention and I pledge to accommodate both.

1 comment:

  1. That's just what is called progress these days.
