Saturday, September 2, 2023

230902 What a wonderful World

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This post begins with my opinion of why some folks may not think this is such a wonderful world, followed by how I believe it can be a wonderful world.

It seems that everyone is in a hurry these days.

People rush to work every morning. They are texting on their phone while driving. They frantically go through the work day trying to meet deadlines to keep their jobs. They speed their way home to begin another 8 hours of cooking, cleaning, washing clothes, making grocery lists, setting up an itinerary for tomorrow, texting more before collapsing into bed late at night, making them tired the next morning. Their world is what I would call a nightmare. It’s no wonder why they are miserable every day. They become enslaved in debt trying to pay for the new cars, new house, nice clothes for work, put their children through school and perhaps college. They live on a hamster wheel trying to keep things spinning and not collapse.

For them, it’s not a wonderful world. The reason, I believe, is because they never slow down and breathe in the fresh air of the outside world. They don’t make time to sit outside and look at the beautiful trees that God has created, see the birds flitting about and see the blue sky above us. Couples don’t make time for each other to sit and talk and dream like they once may have done while courting. They don't sit on the porch or patio, talking over a cup of coffee or a cocktail or take a nice walk in the fresh air; I think that could change their world to a wonderful one.

I’m just an old man, I could be wrong; I have been wrong before.

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