Thursday, August 31, 2023

230831 Last Post for August 2023

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I want to end the month with something nice and hopefully fun.

Everything today seems to cost more than it did the last time we purchased it. Yesterday I went to Walmart for 2 things, just 2 things! I couldn’t believe the first thing. It was a simple shoe horn I needed because I have trouble with shoes that slip on. I paid 67 cents for it, those things cost more than that decades ago!

The next thing I needed was some plastic bowls that can be used in a microwave oven. I found them too. And they only cost 50 cents each! another thing that cost more in days gone by.
So my two things, 4 bowls and 1 shoe horn cost me a grand total of $2.67, yippie!

And now the rest of the story; before I got out of the store, my total at the register was $27.94. Those buggers got into my pocket once more. It is impossible for me to go into Walmart and only buy one thing that I went there for. Once the first item hits the shopping cart, the race is on! Before I round the last turn, headlong for the finish line, the little fairies have shown me one thing after another that I need or will need soon. The worst thing about going there is oftentimes when I make my list and check it twice, I get home and remember what else I needed from the store! I shrug and tell myself I’ll do better next time.

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