Friday, July 14, 2023

230714 Fast Pace

We are living in a fast paced society these days.

This piece I am writing is what I observe about people I see around me and it likely does not apply to all, but to many it does. I hope those of you who read it will not be among those I describe below.
When I am out walking I see cars speeding by like they’re racing away from a wildfire. Speed limits are only a suggestion, one which no one follows. Where they are headed I do not know. I see people at Walmart filling up their carts like Armageddon is only hours away. I go out walking, I look about and admire the beauty of the trees in my neighborhood. I listen to the birds singing and I wonder why no one else is out for a casual stroll to see the beauty I see? I suppose that after their long, busy days at work they rush home to do laundry and dial out for meals, tend to their kids and then crash land into their beds to get a few hours of rest before charging out the next morning to go back to work again. I feel sad for them missing out on enjoyment in life by slowing down and just being alive. Judging by the new shiny cars I see all over, they have to work overtime to pay living expenses, car payments and a myriad of other things. I wonder if they ever live debt free and worry free? I understand people with credit cards that are never paid off incur even greater debt by the high interest fees credit companies charge. The mail is filled with solicitations for new cards that offer a lower fee for the first few months before they slam a person with the same higher fees that the other companies all charge. I understand why people don’t save money these days because banks don’t pay more than a pittance for interest in a savings account. It appears to me that normal people are playing a game where the deck is stacked against them.


  1. Replies
    1. The credit card companies have most people on a Hampster wheel, always working to keep up with the Joneses. They like it that way and they keep those fat interest charges rolling in, making them ever wealthier.
