Thursday, June 29, 2023

230629 Mistakes, I've made a few.

It’s never easy to admit to a mistake and I have made some big and small ones.

My latest is going headlong into the keto diet. I had great ideas that this would give me everything I needed to promote my health and longevity. It does well for many followers, but after a week, I was tired all the time and felt weak. I barely made it on my daily walk. My sleeping at night was better than ever. For some unknown reason I became extremely thirsty. I was constantly drinking water or coffee and tea, but nothing slaked my thirst.

Today I broke down and bought some carbohydrates, sweet relish, potato salad, macaroni salad, salad dressing, bread, hotdog buns and hamburger buns. I came home and had a big meal with all of those things I mentioned buying. I washed it down with a cold Doctor Pepper! I’m hopefully going to return to my normal self in a short while. I still haven’t had a beer. Lucky for me all the salads, cheeses, hotdogs and such from keto will still be available to eat and enjoy.

Many of my friends thought the keto was not right for me, but I didn't listen to them. If any of you readers have plunged into keto because of my glorification of it, I hope it works better for you.
I have a friend who swears by keto and it has worked very well for her, sadly I don’t see it working as well for me.


  1. thats not a mistake, thats an experiment. sometimes the results aren't what we expect

    1. Thank you, I suppose I hold myself to strict account while trying to improve myself. Life is constant learning and I learned a lesson from my experiment.
