Wednesday, June 28, 2023

230628 Cars and Humans

We humans have a lot of the same problems as our cars do.

A car ages and we humans also age.
A car doesn’t fall apart all at once, neither do we humans.
Cars have a failing alternator, we suffer failing eyesight.
Cars lose power due to a bad valve, we lose power from a poorly operating heart valve.
Cars have a slow starter with age, we age and begin starting slow in the morning.
A shiny new car looks beautiful, a young lady looks beautiful too.
A new car has a wonderful feel and ride, (forgive me for this one) a young woman has a wonderful feel and ride.
A well broken in car is comfortable, as is a well broken in spouse.
We all need a car in our life, we all need a human partner in our life.
No one ever forgets their favorite car, no one ever forgets their favorite love.
Cars eventually end up in the junkyard, unfortunately we too end up in the boneyard.
On a brighter note, a car that is taken care of lasts a long time, a human body taken care of also lasts a long time.
After its usefulness, a car goes and stays in the junk heap forever, we humans have the upper hand on this one. When we pass away, we transition into the spirit world with our Creator. Ford and General Motors never take back a dead car.


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