Saturday, June 24, 2023

230624 keto recap

Thursday June 22, 2023

Day 1 keto diet.

It is now 4:17 pm. I had my keto breakfast of eggs and some walnuts and 6 hours later I had supper with tuna, green leafy lettuce, walnuts and asparagus. I made my own vinaigrette dressing with olive oil, white vinegar, salt, pepper, and fresh squeezed lemon juice. I feel very full and accomplished. I bought all the veggies at Aldi today, along with the vinegar and olive oil.

Friday June 23, 2023

Day 2 of the keto diet. I fasted for another 16 hours. At 14 hours I was very hungry, but after another 30 minutes the hunger pangs went away. I had my first meal at the 16 hour point and I stuffed myself with the keto friendly foods. Afterward I had two long walks around the neighborhood. At my second meal I stuffed myself again and I was uncomfortable afterward. This was not going well, fasting and then gorging myself. One good thing was I was nearing the end of 2 days without a single beer! That is something I thought was impossible and yet I had done it!

I’ve found out when shopping I have to look closely at what I buy to eat. So many foods have sugar in them and not only outright sugar, but hidden sugars in the form of fructose and malto-dextrin and more. Grains used in breads are loaded with carbohydrates which produce sugar. Even starchy vegetables and fruits have a lot of sugar as well as potatoes. The whole point of keto is to eliminate sugar. As long as there is sugar in our bodies, that’s what the body uses for fuel. The idea of keto is to make the body run on fat which is stored in our bodies in places like the belly, arms and legs. That’s how keto works and that is why we lose weight by burning the extra fat cells.

Saturday June 24, 2023

Day 3 on keto. I did a lot more research on keto and found out more information that will help me immensely. After 2 days of starvation and gorging myself at the two meals a day, this was not working well. I found that I can eat as many times as I want as long as I stick to keto-friendly foods. That’s great for me! I’ll be shifting when I have meals and eating less at them. I’m thinking 3 meals per day with a snack of a few walnuts about 4 hours before bedtime, if I need it. I'm thinking meals at 6 am, 11 am and 3 pm, but I can easily adjust that as necessary. I'll still have 13 hours of fasting every day, down from 16 hours of fasting. It’s day 3 without beer and I’m feeling good about myself. If nothing else comes from this keto thing, as long as I stay away from the beer, I’ll be happy.


  1. Proud of Bill, I admire your will power. I have never done Keto but have done low carb. Even that is hard because I love pasta and bread. I can do without the bread with a normal dinner but in the summer time like chicken and tomato sandwiches for easy meals sometimes foe lunch. I to used to drink beer every day and quit that several years ago. If I drink at home now most of the time it is vodka with diet tonic water or I'll make a margarita. Keep it up.

  2. There's no one who likes bread more than me, but I can't consume bread while on keto. I love potatoes too, but they have carbs and that produces sugar. I have to give those two up as long as I practice the keto.
