Friday, June 16, 2023

230616 Fasting

Fasting is an ancient practice, one that is not widespread these days.

Yesterday I was having some major digesting issues, making for an unpleasant day. That afternoon I received a call from an old friend. She said she was having some health issues and she started fasting at times and her health seemed to be improving. She also mentioned she was going on a retreat with her brother later this summer. The retreat lasts for 10 days and she was unsure how well that might go and if she could finish it. I told her about a 2.5 day retreat I went on many years ago and that I enjoyed it. The retreat helped me a lot. As for fasting, I hadn’t done that for decades, since the eighties.

Our conversation ended and I sat thinking perhaps fasting might be helpful for me, since everything I had eaten all day long gave me indigestion. I began my fast at 2 pm as I thought that a fast would give my body time to recover. I also thought I would combine my fast with 24 hours of meditation. I slept for 6 hours overnight, from 9 pm to 3 am. From 3 until 8 am I did sitting and walking meditations. That was not an easy thing to do. Those 5 hours were the longest 5 hours of my life.

I am an internet and TV movie junky. I am online from the time I wake up until I take my morning walk usually at about 9 am. I do my chores, shop and whatever else strikes me. After completing those tasks, I watch movies in between eating my meals. In the evenings I practice my yoga and do my bathing.

At 18 hours (8 am) into both meditation and fasting practices, I was sleepy, so I laid down to rest. Between 8 and 8:25 I had the strangest dream I’ve ever had and I wonder if it was due to having no food for so long?

It’s well known that our bodies begin digesting our food after meals. What isn’t well known is that with our busy days of working, communicating with others and doing chores, our brain directs our attention to those things using all of our energy. Our digestion is put on the back burner during those times and digestion finishes during our sleeping hours.

I broke my fast at 10 am this morning, 4 hours short of the 24 hour plan. I had a small meal, one that only covered a 5 inch plate. I’m cutting back on food until this digestive issue clears up.

I plan on fasting once a week to see what comes about from doing so.

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