Tuesday, June 6, 2023

230606 Frenzy

For some bizarre reason I was in a cleaning frenzy yesterday.

I don’t know what came over me yesterday. I was finishing a mile long walk in the morning and was quite tired as I walked down the outside hallway to my apartment. The hall was filled with dead beetles, cracked bird seed and a mess from maintenance guys working on the apartment across the hall from me. I grabbed my broom and swept the hall from one end to the other. That started the frenzy. I swept the kitchen floor and both bathroom floors. Next I mopped the kitchen and both bathroom floors. I cleaned both toilets. After that I vacuumed all of my carpets. I was getting very tired after all of that. It was time to recharge with a delightful cold brew. That gave me the strength to wash and dry all of my towels and sheets. That was followed by emptying all of my trash and a few other things I no longer use. I wasn’t done yet, out came the dust cloths and I worked them all over the apartment. By the time I finished that nasty chore, I thought I was done. I needed a pick me up, so I grabbed my blender and whipped up a peach flavored protein shake, yum! Of course that led to having to disassemble and wash out the blender with scalding hot water and dry it. Then I was done for a while until yoga time. The sweat beads came out and I had to clean myself. I was done for the day! Now I have to figure out how to spend my time today.


  1. Take a day off!

    1. I could take every day off, but I prefer to keep busy. That makes me happy and makes the day more pleasant. Thanks for you comment.
