Monday, June 5, 2023

230605 The Email

I check my email every day to see what someone has sent me.

There’s an old eighties movie titled “You’ve Got Mail” with Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan. It’s about them meeting through emails. Every morning they are excited to go online to see what one or the other has written. The movie is antiquated by our standards today, but I still find it online and watch it on occasion.

This morning, I received the most wonderful email from a distant family member. She reads my posts. Here is what she wrote this morning, “I enjoy your postings. Some days you make me laugh, some days you make me want to cry.” Along with the post she enclosed this:

She knows how much I miss Joyce every day and sent this to me. She is correct to mention how I still feel every day.

I wake up every morning and the first thing I do is thank Jesus for another day. The next thing I do is tell Joyce how much I think about her and our 58 years of love. I’ve come to accept that she is in a better place and I am happy for her. There are times when I feel her presence, like right now. When she was still alive we would sit together and I would then read my near daily posts to her. Joyce would listen and suggest better wording and changes or things to eliminate from a post. I feel her presence right now. It’s like I could turn around and hold her once again. I’ve never felt her this close before. I’m relishing this moment. I can feel her hand on my shoulder.

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