Monday, May 8, 2023

230508 Purpose

Bikers often say that they live to ride and ride to live.

I am not a biker and have only been a passenger on a few motorcycles. I often sit and wonder what my purpose in living is now that Joyce has passed away for nearly 19 months. I’ve spent a lot of time wondering about that.

It’s been a couple of weeks ago when my daughter sent me an email about the story I had written and she asked if all the stories were written down somewhere? She wanted to know more about my life that was not told to her when she was growing up. I told her that it is all written on my laptop and posted on my blogs.

That mail from her, combined with something a friend suggested yesterday was a revelation to me. My purpose, while I’m still alive, may be simply to write and share my thoughts. Perhaps my writing may help someone in a way that I will never know about. If that someone finds comfort in what I have written or solves an issue for them or amuses them, my purpose is a worthwhile endeavor. I had been contemplating for months about quitting my writing. Now I have 2 reasons to continue on as long as possible.

I leave you this morning with this thought I have been pondering for some time now… If a person has a colon problem and a surgeon has to remove a part of that person’s colon, does that mean he has to live the rest of his life with a semicolon? Inquiring minds want to know.

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