Tuesday, May 2, 2023

230502 Google

I use Google for everything internet and all of my writing.

I did some research and found out Google stores between 10 and 15 exabytes of data around the world. That is an enormous number,beyond anything I could imagine. Here below are the numbers:

These are fantastic numbers almost beyond the imagination. One has to be an electronics tech or a mathematician to really understand how huge the numbers are. Consider your home computer. It may have anywhere from 128 giga byte storage to 2 terabyte storage for an expensive computer. Then take that number by thousands or more and then you get close to one exabyte. The numbers are too big for me to be fully accurate.

Consider how much does Google know about you? It's not just Google, Mictosoft and Facebook and every other company goes mining for everything about you. It kind of makes you feel important in a very creepy way, like having a stalker or perhaps dozens of stalkers at once. Don't lose any sleep over this. It has been going on ever since your first time on your home computer or cell phone. Worry more about when A.I. becomes more in control of our lives. If you ever read the book 1984 in which Big Brother was always watching you, multiply that by 100 or 1000. Now you get the picture. Sleep well my pretties. Enjoy yourself, it's later than you think and there's no going back to the time you felt safe and in tune with your world.

I enjoy finding new information on many different subjects. I have a lot of time to fill in a day and this is one of the ways I use it. Staying active physically and mentally is in my opinion important for senior citizens. Some might say I am mental and not in a good way, but what do they know about me?

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