Sunday, March 26, 2023

230326 Spring Is Here

I had written the text for this post and had the pictures I wanted to show with the post, but I could not find them. I have several pictures I am putting in this post that were all taken on the farm.

Spring is coming on strong!

I have been watching as I take my walks and the trees are either budding out or leaves are already in the branches. It’s a glorious time of the year. The cold and strong winds of winter are past us now, hallelujah! Soon the flowers will once again peek out from their winter hiding places and life will be good once again.

At one time on the farm we had 100 plus different species of flowers that soothed us from March through November. I miss that these days. I don’t want any potted plants in my apartment or on my patio. Potted plants need more and more care and watering as the weather warms up during the summer, while flowers on the farm take care of themselves.
My favorite flowers are black eyed Susans. They grew wild all over the farm, except where I wanted them. They seemed to have a mind of their own. Susans and four o’clocks were alike in their desire to grow where they wanted and only where they wanted. I had a beautiful patch of them that grew under a pine tree I had planted years before. I never understood why they were called four o’clocks because they didn’t bloom at that time. They were always earlier in the afternoon. Another flower I loved was hibiscus. I could always count on them to carry on through the heat of summer. Daisies were prolific too. They always seemed so cheerful. Another flower I enjoyed early in the season was the daffodil. One time I bought hundreds of bulbs and planted them. There weren't a half dozen of them that came up the first year and none after that.

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