Tuesday, October 25, 2022

221025 A.I.

No need to worry about this robot army, just because they don't look like robots made for factories, but what are they made for? They're not carrying weapons, they look friendly, right? Maybe they are made to help grandma get the groceries into her home,right? They don't have any weapons showing, but maybe they have laser blasters in their index fonger to use any time they want to use them.
This guy looks friendly, or does it look like he is planning something sisister?
Most of you have heard of A.I. for those who have not, it stands for artificial intelligence.

Some very intelligent prognosticators have said A.I. will kill us. I’m wondering if they mean in a slang way, like my back is killing me or in the literal sense, it will rise up and slaughter mankind. This is something to consider in a serious way. I know I will die someday, but I prefer to pass on after drinking my beer, smoking my cigarettes and having a tasty meal. I don’t think I would like a robot army taken over by A.I. running around and killing me. That seems like a harsh way of going out of this life.

On a more serious note (more serious than robots slaughtering me?) I am thinking all of these changes that keep popping up on the internet, my computer, my phone, my TV, are they all driven by this mysterious thing called A.I.? As the old Cardinals baseball announcer Harry Cary used to shout in an excited manner, it might be, it could be, it is a home run! In our situation, it could be the robots will rise up under artificial intelligence and run around willy nilly murdering all of us. Time will tell and time is not on our side.