Wednesday, August 10, 2022

220810 Life and Death in a Year

I have been thinking about this post for more than a month now.
By the time I completed this post, I realized that this piece is more my own thoughts on the life cycle, despite the fact that I include the reader as a partner in my illusion of the life cycle. If the reader sees he or she as part of this grand illusion of mine, welcome aboard! If the reader considers this as fantasy, I will not argue the point, for I have nothing to gain one way or the other and I respect his or her jugement.
In January we are conceived and are in the early stages of development, from an egg to an embryo to a fetus.
In February we are born and we are helpless human beings being taken care of by others.
In March we begin our childhood and go from crawling to walking to our grade school days. This is when we first begin our learning experiences.
In April we begin high school and find love and heartache sometimes in a day or a week. There are countless iterations of love and heartache.
In May we come to decision time. We decide who we think we are and begin to wonder what we will be in life, what we will do in life. May is perhaps the most important time in our lives, next to marriage and or divorce.
In June comes love and marriage and another important step, the beginning of our personal family life.
In July we feel like we are in the prime of our lives. These are the best times in life. We have decades ahead of us and we feel we can shape our life into anything we want it to be and that life will be great in the near future. We’ll be at the top of the world.
By August we feel we are perhaps just beyond our prime and into the realization that we are not at the top of the world and we can’t even see the peak because of clouds above us. We begin to think, what if I had done this instead of that? Would that one or or more decisions have changed life for the better or did I do the right thing? Of course there is no answer to something we failed to do; we can only engage in useless speculation.
Ah, September. This is the time when old memories come back, memories of the good and the bad things that happened during the previous decades. For me, even the bad times are less bad than when they occurred and are even a bit funny as I look back on them. The best days are behind us and the future is unknown. In reality, the future has always been unknown but we didn’t think much about that until now.
In October, we are approaching the final days of life. We aren’t there yet, but our best days are long behind us and it’s doubtful that things are going to get better. We discover that the so-called golden years are a myth. Things didn't turn out the way we would have liked and the next few days slowly became out of our control. We enter the days where we have a sharp decline in mind and mobility.
November, the month no one looks forward to and in fact dreads the thought of it. November is the month where we approach or enter helplessness. We are rapidly entering the end of the life cycle. we were born helpless, we were taken care of by someone else and in the late November of our lives we return to helplessness and have someone else taking care of us.
When December is upon us, this is the point when we cease to exist as human beings. This is the month we go before the Creator in judgment over all of us. Some of us will fear the day, some will find the joy of salvation and the existence of a spirit in the arms of our Creator. That is where I want to be on judgment day. I suppose that is what everyone wants.
Now the question is, what month are we living at this moment? I think that I am in late September and perhaps very close to October. If you care to comment on Facebook or email, you can write a one word answer, the month you are living right now. No explanation is necessary.

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