Thursday, July 21, 2022

220721 Danger!

We are facing something we have never seen before.
There was the Spanish flu back in 1918 that killed hundreds of millions of people around the globe. The Covid 19 outbreak began in December of 2019 and many lives were lost. Right now we are facing another situation that could cause ever greater danger to human life, CLIMATE CHANGE!
Early in the 20th century the Mississippi river by Saint Louis used to freeze several feet with ice. Horses pulling wagons would go out on the river and men would use long saws to cut out squares of ice and that ice was stored in caverns for use in ice boxes all summer long. That will never happen again because the earth is heating up. Since early 2000 our country and others are recording historic high temperatures. As late as the 1990s we in Missouri were having snows 2-3 feet deep. Those have vanished these days.
London UK just recorded 106 degrees, the warmest on record. Spain and Portugal have lost 1100 people this past week due to excessive heat. This is only going to get worse. I don’t believe solar panels or wind power turbines or electric cars and trucks are going to save the planet.
In 2000 Malcolm Gladwell published a book titled “The Tipping Point” about how little things can tip the balance, trigger a boiling point of no return. It was an interesting read for me. I am thinking we have already passed our tipping point and there is no return. I understand there are natural climate cycles. Those climate cycles in the past have killed most of life on our planet. Should someone consider this as a natural cycle and it will pass, I disagree. Past cycles did not include man made elements as this one has. 8 billion people are cooking the planet with man made heat, the likes of which have never been before. Rain forests are being burned to create more croplands. Rain forests have helped keep the planet cooler in the past, but now they are disappearing.
I wrote this early this morning;
It’s 106 degrees on the ground
There’s a hot wind blowing all around
The grass is all burned and brown
There is no relief to be found


  1. We were warned long ago, greed and disbelief got in the way..

  2. We were warned, but too few paid attention. Those in the fossil fuel sector spent a lot of money convincing people the warnings were nothing but junk science. So here we are facing possible annihilation and the fuel industry is pressing ever harder to deny the facts.
