Saturday, July 2, 2022

220702 The Gift

I never thought much about the gift before. Everyone has the gift and I wonder how many people ever consider what a wonderful gift it is.

The gift I am talking about is life. I know I never gave it a thought until recently. Even with all the blessings I had growing up, meeting Joyce and marrying her, my adventures in the navy, seeing places I would never have seen, doing things I enjoyed, learning an occupation that supported me and my family through my working years.

I spent my time thinking about how bad things were during difficult times and the mistakes I had made. I never considered the fact that everyone else has things that go wrong in their lives. That is part of everyone’s life. We are here on earth to learn and those lessons are harsh at times, so we can learn what not to do. My beautiful daughter once said, “Every bad thing that happened to me, made me who I am today and life has been good to me so far.” Now I finally get it!

Life is good and it is God’s greatest gift. I am not perfect, no one is. I have my bad days, everyone has bad days. Life goes on and it is a gift. As lawyers say, “I rest my case.” At least TV lawyers say that.

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