Monday, June 20, 2022

220620 Lucky

How often do you think about how lucky you are?
You live in a world with the internet and a climate-controlled abode.
Many in this world will never have that.
You have a grocery store nearby.
You don’t have to live in a jungle and forage for food while avoiding poisonous snakes, insects and man eating predators.
You can afford those things listed above and while you may not be able to afford much more than that;
There are many more people in this world who will never have those luxuries.
There will always be those who have more than you ever will.
There are countless more who can only dream of what we take for granted.


  1. Amen! So true! I'm guilty of this at times.

    1. Where we were born and who we are is the luck of the draw. I am happy to have been born in America. I was raised with far less than I have now. I am happy I had the opportunity to have worked for what I have and therefore appreciate it more than had it been handed to me on a silver platter.
