Wednesday, April 27, 2022

220427 Sentinel, strange dreams last night

I had several dreams last night. Two of them are still in my memory. One was about Joyce coming to me as young and beautiful as ever. It made me so happy to have her with me again. That was the third time I have dreamt of Joyce being with me since she passed away. Each time I dream of her, the dream becomes more vivid. It makes me wonder if my time is nigh and Joyce is preparing me for the event. Perhaps I will see her again in whatever happens after my death. Unfortunately the dream did not last as long as I hoped it would.
This picture has a woman very close to the one in my dream.
The second dream was also quite good. I met this young woman from India and she said, “I’m so happy to see you again!” I was astonished at that because I did not remember seeing her before. She told me she had met me long ago and she was glad that we were meeting again. We talked for a while and then she said she had to leave but that I should come and visit her. I replied that I did not know where she lived. She told me to come with her and see where she lived and how to get there. I agreed and off we went together. Her home was in a bad part of town and she was living in a run down tiny home. She had a young son there. Her home was perched just yards away from a 10 foot high retaining wall with no protective fencing to keep her son from falling down and injuring himself. I was so taken with her and her son that I asked her to come home with me and have her and her son live with me. I was enthralled with the woman and child and willing to marry her. Before she could answer, the dream ended. The dream left me with two questions. Did I know her from a past life and were we lovers in that life? The second question was how could I be so ready to love and take in a woman I knew nothing about? The answer is I suppose I will never know the answer. I was surely ready to take in her and the boy.
We all have dreams, are mine stranger than yours?

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