Friday, April 8, 2022

220408 Sentinel, Time

Is time a linear thing?
Some scientists believe it is. They say our lives start with birth and continue through puberty to adulthood to old age and in a straight line into our demise.

There is a new theory that states this: Time is like a movie. When we dial up a movie it comes to us on a reel of tape. The beginning, the middle and the end are all on that reel at the same time. Einstein’s theory proved the possibility that the past, the present and the future are all here at the same moment.
Our past is with us every day. It is all stored in our mind. Our bodies carry all the wounds we have had from falls, broken limbs and such. We are in the present every moment of our lives. Every moment yesterday was the present, it was the same last week and last year. We know our future will have joy, suffering, and will end with death. All of that happens in the present moment, whenever that is.
I have heard people say that God has a plan for all of us. Could that be possible? If so then God would know when we will be born and when we die and everything in between that time, so to Him, the past, the present and the future are all together. If it's good enough for Him, then I say it must be so.
Some of my readers may ask, what about free will? Doesn't that figure into the equasion? I have no answer other than God already has that figured in. He knows what we will do and when. If I am wrong, okay I am wrong.

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