Tuesday, March 1, 2022

220301 Sentinel, Bodies under the Sun

I wonder how many people look in the mirror and think about how much better I would look if my nose was different or my smile was nicer or if my physique was better proportioned.
I know I do at times, when I can look in the mirror and not see my father when he was an old man.
This picture was Joyce on the left then my mother, then me and then my father about 1991.

Here is what I believe, every one of us has an amazing body that is such a precision machine. We can heal ourselves from minor injuries, illnesses, sunburns, colds, and a host of failures in our lifetime. We can forgive ourselves for mistakes we made, even though we may not forget them.

We all live in a different world inside our heads. Some people think very highly of themselves, while others see themselves as a failure in life. Some people are optimists, others are pessimists. Some are extremely intelligent, others may not have much intelligence. Many people hang out with people who are not very bright so they can feel superior to those with them. Me, I always wanted to be the dumbest guy in the group. I figured I would learn more from them than hanging out with the dumb guys at my level.

One thing we all have in common is these wonderful bodies we are blessed with. The average human has 2,500,000,000 heartbeats in a lifetime and takes 672,768,000 breaths in a lifetime in a body that repairs itself for roughly 82 years. Nothing else mankind has created can do that, YET! How blessed are we to have such a body?

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