Saturday, March 12, 2022

2200312 Sentinel, Health

If you are interested in your health, there is a documentary on Netflix titled “What the Health” that has some startling information in it.

If You don’t have Netflix, I will cover the high points I gleaned from the documentary.

Diabetes and heart disease are directly related to your diet for the majority of people in this country. Both of them are caused by excessive fats in meat. Diabetes is an epidemic crisis in our country. It is not due to sugar or carbohydrates. It is in the fatty meats in our system. Excessive fats overcome our natural absorption in our bodies. When they are not absorbed naturally they pile up in our arteries and clog them, making the heart pump more and cause hypertension and lead to diabetes.

The worst meat of all is chicken! Despite all the ads you may have seen touting the benefits of chicken over beef and pork, they are all misleading. I noticed in the last 5 years that chicken in the grocery stores have much larger legs and breasts. The reason is that all chicken sold is injected with added fat and salt. We humans love fat flavors and salt. That and all of the antibiotics and hormones fed to chicken are slow killers in our bodies. Chicken followed by beef and pork are direct links to diabetes and heart disease. Salmon is the tastiest fish and also the most fatty. The trouble with fish these days is and has been mercury. Mercury can make you go crazy in the head. The health industry reports that fish should be limited to 3 servings a week due to the mercury in fish. My last notes here are about eggs and milk. The yolk in eggs is concentrated fat and cholesterol. It is there to provide complete nourishment for a chick in the egg to survive on for 21 days before hatching. That yoke is not good for you. Also milk is not digestible in adults. That is sad to me because I enjoy milk. Studies have proved milk and cheese do not build strong bones and prevent osteoporosis as producers claim.

I have no horse in this race, no benefit from this post. You are free and welcome to heed this warning or disregard it. I choose to follow a new path avoiding the products listed in this post. It may be too late for me at this point or it may be what keeps me alive for a few more years.


  1. You have no have horse in this race makes me wonder where horse falls on this list of fatty meats?

    1. Rhett, I am just trying to improve my health and change all the bad diets I have followed in my life. My purpose was to inform those interested in eating better and healthier. What they follow is their business and I respect those who may disagree with what I think.
