Tuesday, February 15, 2022

220215 Sentinel, Every Day

Most days for me happen the same way as the day before.
If you ever saw the Bill Murry movie “Groundhog Day” then you know what I mean.
In that movie Murray relived the same day, day after day. That is my life these days. My life is for the most part a set routine. There are a few days that are different and that makes life well worth living for me. Perhaps many retired people face the same situation, I don’t really know because all I know is my life. It isn’t necessarily a bad thing, perhaps others may be facing the same and enjoy the consistency.

I remember once in my early navy days an old navy chief said. “Same shit, different day.” I suppose that would also apply to an office job, but I never had an office job, so I cannot be sure of that. Another navy chief once told me this, “Every duty station is good or bad depending on how you make it.” Today at this point in time and place, this is my duty station and I choose to make it good.

With our routine life. Day after day is the same 90% of the time. The other 10% is where the joy or sadness comes into play. Those times break the routine and make life interesting.

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