Tuesday, January 11, 2022

220111 Sentinel, Fixing Things

I have always enjoyed fixing most things.
I have repaired radios, TVs, disk drives, roofs, dishwashers, washing machines, chainsaws, lawnmowers, aircraft electronics, diagnosed multilayer circuit boards at Litton and I have done a lot of home repairs on the farm.
Radios and TV sets are no longer repaired except when on warranty. Parts are difficult to find and the cost is too high to buy them from the manufacturers. I repaired disk drives when I worked at Burroughs. They were the size of a washing machine and yet they held less data than many laptop computers these days. The last roofing I did on the farm darn near killed me. It was August and I came close to passing out and falling from the roof. You can find out a lot on the internet about how to repair dishwashers and washing machines and that is how I fixed mine. Chainsaws and lawnmowers can be difficult to take apart for some things, but all it takes is time and a little luck to repair them. Aircraft electronics were a joy to me. They were not difficult at all. Aircraft electronics equipment that I used to repair were big and heavy, now a lot of it is much smaller and lighter that what I worked on. I diagnosed multilayer circuit boards at Litton and managed to salvage sone of them.

Home repairs on the farm were time consuming and the worst were anything dealing with water. Working under sinks, repairing toilets, putting in new faucets, fixing leaks in water lines distressed me to no end.

Lucky for me, those things like that are all in my past now.

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