Friday, January 7, 2022

220107 Sentinel, Good Times

I was listening to the Gloria Esthphan’s song “Conga” this morning.
That song reminded me of an experience I had, long ago.
The picture was Joyce, we were leaving for the casino. She loved getting dressed for the casino trips, me, jeans and a shirt. Funny, but all the different card dealers there at one time or another said, "Bill you married up." So was that a compliment, or a slam? It doesn't matter, because it was the truth.

Joyce and I were in good shape at the time. We were at the Buffalo Run Casino having a good day. The beer waitress came around and I declined because I had to drive home. The young woman dealing cards said, I could have the pit boss call the hotel, (it was just steps away) we can get you two a room and then you could drink some more beer and stay the night. That night the casino was calling names over the PA system and if you were called, you could play a game for some cash. My name was called; I played the game and won $250. So it was a happy evening. I had to go to the restroom and as I passed by the slot machines the song “Conga” was playing over the PA system. I was an old sailor 3 sheets to the wind like a 3 masted schooner under full sails with a tail wind. I started doing the Conga; I thought I was alone. The ladies at the slot machines were digging the song and they left their machines and formed a line behind me. As I got near the card table where Joyce was, another dealer there said, “Look at that, that guy is leading a Conga line." Everyone turned to see the spectacle, including Joyce. She then said, “That's my husband!” I was a hit that night and I didn’t know it. We had some really good times there. Now it is only a wonderful memory.

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