Friday, January 14, 2022

220114 Sentinel, Somewhere Beyond The Sea

I was listening to YouTube music this morning when the song “Somewhere Beyond the Sea” came on.
This song has significance to me in a reverse way.
The song lyrics are, “Somewhere beyond the sea my love is waiting for me,” indicating the man has to travel across the sea to find his true love. In my case I was at sea and was waiting to return to my love after the navy cruises ended. When I was at sea, Joyce was at home taking care of our daughter Annie. Those were long months back then.

Now months fly by like a fighter jet on a mission. At one point Joyce said, “I didn’t sign up to be a single mom.” I agreed wholeheartedly and I left the navy a year after my finalcruise. She was right and I felt the same way. I remember my last day in the navy. I was discharged at North Island. I drove home, walked in the door and said, "They let me go!" Thas on a Friday morning. We spent the weekend there before leaving on the Monday folllowing. On that Sunday I got a call from the watch petty officer telling me I had to go on a watch to replace the man who was scheduled because he was ill and unable to stand his eight hour day watch. I chuckled and got to say, "Sorry, I was discharged two days ago." My navy time was done forever. Here is the song by Bobby Darin.

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