Sunday, December 26, 2021

211226 Sentinel, The Secret

Some secrets are meant to share.

These are a few things I have learned and believe. I am not preaching, just sharing my experiences.

Do one thing at a time.
We all think that with our superior intellects that we can multitask and do it well. Science has tested this and found out it is impossible to do our best while multitasking.

The past is gone, the future is uncertain.
All we really have is the present. Let’s live and enjoy this moment we have and not worry about what may happen tomorrow. Most things we imagine could or will happen to us do not happen. Worry cannot help any situation, but it can make our present seem worse.

Memories are great things to have.
Enjoy old memories of days gone by, don’t dwell on our failures, but rather relish the good memories.

Dreams can come true and do.
Dream about what we want to accomplish. Something I heard before was, “What you believe, you can achieve.” This may sound hokey and even stupid. I have found that this is true. I just never had big enough dreams I wanted, but what I dreamt about and wrote down on paper as life goals I accomplished. It’s never too late.

Accept who you are and don't compare yourself to others.
This is never good. We all know people we believe are more successful than we think we are. Everyone has his/her path to follow in life and all paths are worthy of following.

We are all loved by someone and most likely by many people.
We may not know who they are, but they do love us. That is what counts in life.

Everyone's path in life has some effect on other people.
Things we say or do for others may have helped another human being. The sad part of this is we may never know who it is or what it was we said or did, but they do. Every one of us has value in our lifetime.


  1. Very apt observations my friend. Our younger generations should take this wisdom to heart, it could save them from the perils of social media.


    1. Thank you Rhett! I thought it was well worth sending out the things I have learned over the last 76 years. Unfortunately for me, most of it was learned over the last few years, but better late than never.
